Info-Atari16 Digest Tue, 11 Jun 91 Volume 91 : Issue 326 Today's Topics: arc602.ttp or unarc.ttp question Buying/Selling via the net Can I get clip art with ftp? Can I get ML on the ST? DEGAS to Postscript Does TT monitor have sound? Latest ver. of Prospero-C?? MUST SELL no_sub Pascal compiler for an ATARI 1040stf PPP For the Atari ST Re: Man w/ pipe (2 msgs) Reading 8-bit disks with an ST (2 msgs) Reading TOS/DOS formatted disk on a SparcStation set-up for Practical Peripherals 9600 modem? The new control panel: post it here!? X for the ST? Z-RAM made drive go nuts! WHY!!?? Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic cross-posting to/from Usenet is getting closer, but still getting thrashed out. Please send notifications about broken digests or bogus messages to Info-Atari16-Request@NAUCSE.CSE.NAU.EDU. Please send requests for un/subscription and other administrivia to Info-Atari16-Request, *NOT* Info-Atari16. Requests that go to the list instead of the moderators are likely to be lost or ignored. If you want to unsubscribe, and you're receiving the digest indirectly from someplace (usually a BITNET host) that redistributes it, please contact the redistributor, not us. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 7 Jun 91 18:49:12 GMT From: noao!ncar!!!!!uc!apctrc!drd!d! (John Cummins) Subject: arc602.ttp or unarc.ttp question To: In article <> (Ralph Berg) writes: > >Hi, > >How can I tell arc602.ttp or unarc.ttp to store on >extraction the files into another directory as where >the archiver programms resides??? > >Ralph Berg, Reichenbergerstr.89, > To: Subject: Re: arc602.ttp or unarc.ttp question Newsgroups: In-Reply-To: <> Organization: Oklahoma State University, Stillwater Cc: Bcc: Easiest way is to use a Shell program (Charles Johnson's ArcShell?) and set ut up to either create directories or whatever. Other way is to open the window to your arc program, open a second window to your desired destination, hold right mouse button down while double clicking on the arc program (in unselected window). Do what you've been doing at this point. Most correct way is to enter the command at the .ttp prompt (having done things the way you've been doing...) "x a:\srcpath\srcfile.arc b:\dstpath\*.*" where a: and b: are the source and dest. drives. and srcpath is the source files path, srcfile.arc is the arc file, dstpath is the path where you want to put the files from the archive, and *.* meand extract every file! Double clicking on arc.ttp and giving the argument "h" (single char) will usually cause it to tell you how to use it. Good luck. jc (or reply... works but is slower.) ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jun 91 21:28:13 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!ucsd!! (Stephen Harold Goldstein) Subject: Buying/Selling via the net To: I'm interested in hearing from people who have bought or sold hardware or software via the net. Were your experience(s) generally favorable? How did you handle the exchange of $$$ and merchandise? For example, I'd be wary of shipping off a computer with no check in hand, yet similarly, I'd be wary of sending out several hundred dollars without even seeing the system. What's worked for you? How were problems resolved - (gee, that hard drive worked fine when I sent it...)? Please E-mail replies, I'll summarize. Seems like it would be a useful addition to the monthly postings... (How to buy/sell on the net) -- --- Stephen Goldstein My first Atari system? A 24K Atari 800, Rev. A ROMS, C(not G)TIA graphics Disclaimer: That's not what I said. ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jun 91 09:24:39 GMT From: noao!asuvax!ncar!!!!mintaka!bloom-beacon!e ru!hagbard!lunic!my!luth! (Niklas Grip) Subject: Can I get clip art with ftp? To: I have tried to use ftp to get clip art for use in DTP, but I can't find it anywhere! Can anyone please help me? _______________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | Niklas Grip | University of Luleaa | Some day I will | | Vallstensgatan 7 | Internet: | make some nice | | 951 59 Luleaa | Bitnet : | logo and remove | | SWEDEN |====================================| this damn text! | | Phone: 0920-26228 (international: +46 920 26228) | | ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jun 91 09:04:22 GMT From: noao!asuvax!ncar!!!!mintaka!bloom-beacon!e ru!hagbard!lunic!my!luth! (Niklas Grip) Subject: Can I get ML on the ST? To: Does Meta Language (ML) exist on the ST. If it does, where can I get it? _______________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | Niklas Grip | University of Luleaa | Some day I will | | Vallstensgatan 7 | Internet: | make some nice | | 951 59 Luleaa | Bitnet : | logo and remove | | SWEDEN |====================================| this damn text! | | Phone: 0920-26228 (international: +46 920 26228) | | ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 10 Jun 91 10:45:05 +0100 From: Subject: DEGAS to Postscript To:, There was a recent request for a DEGAS to POSTSCRIPT converter. Well I am in the process of writing a DEGAS to Postscript conversion program. It will handle only standard PI1, PI2, PI3 files. The file produced from PI3 input should print out on any "standard" postscript printer. PI1 and PI2 conversions will only print on a QMS ColourScript 100 printer. Mainly because that's the only colour PS device I have programming information for. This program started life as a programming excercise to teach myself GFA BASIC. I have since started converting it to assembler, in order to speed up the conversion process. I can't put a lot of effort into this at the moment as I have a lot decorating to do at home, like rebuilding my house from the ground up. If there is any interest in this program from the "net" I will tidy up what I have, and upload it so you can look at it and let me know if it is worth continuing with the process. Tom.T. ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jun 91 09:32:15 GMT From: noao!asuvax!ncar!!!!mintaka!bloom-beacon!e ru!hagbard!lunic!my!luth! (Niklas Grip) Subject: Does TT monitor have sound? To: A friend of mine have just bought an Amiga 3000, and the multisync monitor he got with it does not have any loudspeaker, so to get any sound out of the machine he has to connect it with his tape recorder! Is it usual that multisync monitors don't have loudspeakers and whatabout the TT? _______________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | Niklas Grip | University of Luleaa | Some day I will | | Vallstensgatan 7 | Internet: | make some nice | | 951 59 Luleaa | Bitnet : | logo and remove | | SWEDEN |====================================| this damn text! | | Phone: 0920-26228 (international: +46 920 26228) | | ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jun 91 15:44:35 GMT From:!fub!!!gaertner@uunet. Subject: Latest ver. of Prospero-C?? To: In article <91159.132204REEVES@SLACVM.SLAC.STANFORD.EDU>, REEVES@SLACVM.SLAC.STANFORD.EDU (Terry Reeves) writes: > Actually, I think the latest version is 1.144. At least, that's the version I > have. Unfortunately, I don't know anything about the Developer's Kit, although > I am interested. > > Terry > The Developer's Kit is a workbench which supports ALL Prospero languages and floating point libraries. Additionally, a CLI and some tools are delivered, where the most important is the `make' utility. You can also define startup- and batch-files. Ralf --- Ralf Gaertner FHI Berlin ------------------------------ Date: 11 Jun 91 00:11:19 GMT From: noao!ncar!!!caen!!csn!boulder!hort on.Colorado.EDU! (CHU JEFFREY) Subject: MUST SELL To: I must sell my SC1224 monitor: $195.00 Avatex 1200 Baud: $30.00 mail Thank You Jeff ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 11 Jun 91 10:41 From: UKAE%DKAUNI2.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU Subject: no_sub To: index prog-a16 ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jun 91 21:26:37 GMT From:!m2c!jjmhome! (Tad J. Hunt) Subject: Pascal compiler for an ATARI 1040stf To: Hello, I am looking for a pascal compiler {cheap|pd} for the atari as the subject says... Anyone {selling|know where i can ftp} one please reply to this message. Thanks!! Tad Hunt hunt@jjmhome.uucp ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jun 91 08:52:49 GMT From: esseye!jdbbs!wybbs!therip! (Moses) Subject: PPP For the Atari ST To: Has anyone compiled the Ka9q package with PPP protocol for the ST? If so I would like to hear from ya :) -MO -- moses@therip.UUCP (Moses) The Realm of Interesting Paraphernalia BBS -- (Fidonet 1:228/24) +1 616 235 2313 (2400-14400 HST) +1 616 235 1708 (300-2400) Grand Rapids, Michigan | Supporting Atari ST/Amiga/IBM Computers ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jun 91 20:13:45 GMT From: noao!ncar!!swrinde!!unix.cis.pitt.ed u! (Robert J Anisko) Subject: Re: Man w/ pipe To: In article <> (Neil Forsyth) writes: > > >Well this Bob Dobbs character (actually 4) is just another example of Atari >wastage, along with Bea Hablig et al. I think I would have preferred to see >four box corner characters, ala IBM, so that we could make up boxes in text. > So the "smiley face" character in the IBM set is more useful? At least SOMEONE at Atari had a bit of a sense of humor... Besides, how often do you need the entire character set? No flames, just a thought... Robert Anisko ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jun 91 15:52:37 GMT From: noao!ncar!!!!!simvax.labmed.u! Subject: Re: Man w/ pipe To: In article <>, (Neil Forsyth) writes: > Well this Bob Dobbs character (actually 4) is just another example of Atari > wastage ... Atari should have put something *useful* in there in > the first place. Darnded right! Atari really screwed up. Why didn't they use the IBM character set like a REAL computer would? Come to think of it, why isn't the Atari ST an IBM compatible computer? Gosh, it makes me so mad to think of the large number of *useful* things that could have been done with the ST if only it'd been an IBM compatible. Grow up. There wasn't an official standard for all 256 characters back in '85 -- and there still isn't today. It's only a waste if you believe you *deserve* more than what you supposedly purchased with eyes wide open. -- David Paschall-Zimbel ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jun 91 19:09:02 GMT From: sae! (Bob Malay) Subject: Reading 8-bit disks with an ST To: In article <>, (Technoid) writes: |> In article <> writes: |> >In article <6DB632w164w@cellar.UUCP>, revpk@cellar.UUCP (Brian 'Rev P-K' Siano) writes: |> >> |> >> I've got several megs' worth of old and very important text files on |> >>floppy disks, leftovers from when I used an 8-bit Atari. Now that I have an |> >>ST, I'd really like to be able to bring the text into my new machine and |> >>transfer it to 720K floppies. |> >> |> >> Can anyone either outline or recommend a way for me to work up a |> >>quick transfer system? Is it possible to hitch an old 810 disk drive to an |> >>ST, and read ASCII files from it> |> >> |> >> Advice-- and especially a solution-- would be greatly appreciated. |> > |> >I cannot give you a solution, but I can tell you where one is. You need |> >to get STXformer (the 8-bit emulator), and make a cable. At that point, |> >you can hook an 810 to your ST and read disks. I don't know the details. |> > |> >Of course, if you have an 850 you could always direct-connect the two |> >together and modem them over . . . . |> > |> Hello, |> |> It should also be mentioned that there is a fully 8-bit emulator for |> the ST. You will find it and more information on the STXformer on Atari.archive |> I have yet to find an Xformer cable though so if you have any luck, please get |> back to me. |> |> Stephan The Xformer Cable is available from: B & C ComputerVisions 3257 Kifer Road Santa Clara, CA 95051 408-749-1003 They have them 'cause I just bought one! Bob Malay ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jun 91 21:21:29 GMT From:!!!!miskinis@decw (John Miskinis) Subject: Reading 8-bit disks with an ST To: >|> It should also be mentioned that there is a fully 8-bit emulator for >|> the ST. You will find it and more information on the STXformer on Atari.archive >|> I have yet to find an Xformer cable though so if you have any luck, please get >|> back to me. >|> >|> Stephan Hi, I downloaded STFX a while back, and although it emulated some things, I couldn't get the graphics modes to work. Is this really a full emulator? Thanks in advance, _John_ ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jun 91 19:25:31 GMT From: sae! (Bob Malay) Subject: Reading TOS/DOS formatted disk on a SparcStation To: In article <1372@zinn.MV.COM>, kgg@zinn.MV.COM (Kenn Goutal) writes: |> In article <> |> (Mohammad A. Rahin) writes that he needs to know how to format, |> read, and write TOS floppies on a Sparcstation. |> |> I too would benefit from this information. |> -- Kenn Goutal |> I tried using Mtools but never got the Mtools' mcopy to work. Our system admin guy set up pcfs (do a man pcfs). I now use fdformat to format the floppy on the sparc and then mount /pcfs . After the floppy file system is mounted you can do any unix-thing you want - ls, cp, df, rm, mkdir, whatever and the Atari reads these disks without a hitch. Only glitch is you must be root to do a mount - at least here you do. Bob Malay PS I got a copy of unix-version of lharc. Compiled it on the sparc. I now un-lharc at blinding speeds and copy the un-lharc'ed files to the sparc floppy disk! ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jun 91 20:00:56 GMT From: noao!asuvax!ncar!!lll-winken!fnnews!!ux1.cso.uiu!midway!clout!chinet! (Stephen Jacobs) Subject: set-up for Practical Peripherals 9600 modem? To: Over the weekend, I got a Practical Peripherals V.32 V.42 V.42bis modem (at a warehouse sale: wholesale on these babies appears to be about $400). Works just fine, thank-you on my ST so far. I remember some discussion about flow control (or lack of it) with the ST's serial port. Modems like this were 3 times as expensive back then, so I didn't save the messages. What do I have to do? What might go wrong? How do I deal with problems? All this specifically relating to flow control and a fast modem with data compression. Steve ------------------------------ Date: 11 Jun 91 01:50:31 GMT From: agate!earthquake.Berkeley.EDU! (Axel K. Olmos) Subject: The new control panel: post it here!? To: I have heard that the new control panel is about to be released into the public domain. Is this true? If it is, will someone post it here?! Axel K. Olmos EECS/C "No Pain, No Gain" ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jun 91 19:08:28 GMT From: noao!asuvax!ncar!!!!mintaka!bloom-beacon!e ru!hagbard!sunic!!fuug!clinet! (Johannis Likos) Subject: X for the ST? To: limsico@earthquake.Berkeley.EDU (Carl Limsico) Writes: > This Question Has Probably Already Been Asked Several Times, But >Here It Goes: Does Anyone Know Of Any Type Of X-Window >Emulation/Server/Host For The St? Please Either E-Mail Or Post >Replies! >Carl >Limsico@Ocf.Berkeley.Edu X-Window-Server for ATARI ST/TT Two german companies developed an X-Window-server for the MC680X0-based ATARIs. The one which I tested from the company X/software has been sold to ATARI Deutschland GmbH. It was very slow on the Mega ST, which was connected through Ethernet to a Workstation-Network. It worked (except few crashes) even with loadable X-fonts. But for professional use not recommended, maybe on TT I could get better results, but at that time was neither a TT nor a VME-network-card available. This X-Window-Server is offered now (last CeBIT'91) by the german ATARI subsidiary. (incl. Mega-bus/VME-bus network interface)... The other solution is offered by the company BioData GmbH, the manufacturer of BioNet (I think the most reliable network system in ST/TT environment). To this X-Window-Server I cannot give any statement, because I never got the chance to test it. From hardware side I can recommend BioNet, because it is one of the few products, which allows network connectivity to other ST/TT, PC, Mac and Unix (incl. FTP, Telnet, etc.). BioNet is an external network interface with Ethernet (thick/thin) and DMA (in/out) used by many german professionals companies. ------------------------------ Date: 10 Jun 91 16:08:19 GMT From: noao!asuvax!ncar!!!!mintaka!bloom-beacon!e ru!hagbard!lunic!my!luth! (Niklas Grip) Subject: Z-RAM made drive go nuts! WHY!!?? To: I have upgraded my 1040 STFM to 4 megabytes with Z-RAM. My ST was one of those with soldered MMU-chip, so I let a proffessional do it for me. When I got my ST back I ran the test program. Geee, four megabytes and no complaints! I started to install Neodesk 3, reads files from one disk and started writing on another. Then suddenly the drive starts making noise. It sounds as if the drives' motor tries to move the head right through the side of the machine. Two dialog boxes explains that the drive does not answer and that the disk is full, although it has 800 kilobytes free!!! A couple of minutes later I con- clude that MY DRIVE READS AND FORMATS DISKS IN ALL POSSIBLE COMBINATIONS OF SECTORS AND TRACKS, TWISTED AND NOT TWISTED, FROM GEM, FROM NEODESK 2.05 AND FROM ALL PROGAMS THAT I HAVE BUT IT CANNOT WRITE MORE THAN A COUPLE OF KILO- BYTES ON ANY DISK!!! Now I am in desperate need of HELP!!! The proffessional will do his best to fix it, but it would probably go much faster if anyone have had this problem before and can give me any clue where to start dig. You cannot be to detailed. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF A FEW MINUTES EXPERIMENTING =================================================== Equipment: 1040 STFM, monochrome monitor, Z-RAM and nothing more! Inside Neodesk 2.05: Trying to write to an empty disk formated before memory upgrade. Drive writes some 10 K, makes noise, dialog boxes sais: Drive not responding. Disk full. I cancel writing, "Show info..." sais more than 800 K free. Same test and same result again a couple of times. Formats disk in different ways, same test, same result. Try to load First Word +, Neodesk responds: An address error has occured (3 bombs). System register: d0: 00000800 a0: 000030C2 d1: FFFF0F0F a1: 00008092 d2: 00000027 a2: 00000000 d3: 00000000 a3: 0005DF08 d4: 00000000 a4: 0000313A d5: 00000000 a5: EB7E4A11 d6: 00000006 a6: 000015E2 d7: 00000006 a7: 00001592 ssp: 00001592 usp: 00060A40 instr: 3D6D sr: 2300={t:0 s:1 interrupt: 011 x:0 n:0 z:0 v:0 c:0} pc: 00FC60EA I pressed return, a fourth bomb showed up, all went black and the computer rebooted. I started Neodesk 2.05 again and then loaded 1st Word +, no problems! Loaded a rather large document, changed to empty disk and tried to save. Disk wrote some 10 seconds, then made that uggly noise again followed by dialog boxes telling drive don't answer and (the empty) disk full. I cancelled. Drive made noise, same boxes. Cancelled again etc. I reset the computer, made the 1st Word + test again from GEM, computer loads program and behaves as before. Loaded Calamus (from Neodesk), played around a little. Rubberband boxes some- times leave sides of the box unerased when changing size, in a way I never have seen before. "Show statistics" tell me that I have 3.3 meg free. Suddenly... 2 bombs! Crash is so hard that even Neodesk got stuck (never happened before). I GIVE UP. _______________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | Niklas Grip | University of Luleaa | Some day I will | | Vallstensgatan 7 | Internet: | make some nice | | 951 59 Luleaa | Bitnet : | logo and remove | | SWEDEN |====================================| this damn text! | | Phone: 0920-26228 (international: +46 920 26228) | | ------------------------------ End of Info-Atari16 Digest ******************************